Like all of the Radious overhauls, it acts more like a suite of interlocking mods, all rolled into a single package, that flesh out in loving detail the campaign, battle system, economy, research, AI, and factions. If you had to install just one mod from this list for Rome II, this would be a very safe bet (although, technically, it’s a collection of about six mods). Another success theirs being the Total War: Attila overhaul, and much of the same praise could just as easily apply to the team’s Rome II mod as well. Team Radious are very good at their overhaul mods. Radious Total War Mod – Anniversary Edition There’s a variant of this mod that keeps all Roman factions bar the SPQR coloured red, if you like, and there are also versions that let you adjust how many turns it takes to mark progress through a year. At the moment it seems to be more cosmetic than anything else – there’s no replication of the SPQR mission mechanics, for example, and the inevitable civil war from the original game is far less engineered.

With this mod, you can choose to play as either the Julii, the Brutii, the Scipii, or the SPQR itself. The Roman Houses mod splits up the Rome faction into four smaller factions, just like in the original Rome: Total War. With the impending release of Total War: Rome Remastered, we thought it might be topical to highlight a mod that lets you capture some of that nostalgia in Rome 2.